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Magnus Ljungdahl

Chief commercial officer Zacco

As chief commercial officer of Zacco, Magnus is part of Zacco’s Management Team and is responsible for developing, implementing, and driving much of Zacco’s commercial strategy. He works towards building cross-regional relationships and collaboration between offices, and in support of individual regions in leveraging opportunities for day-to-day growth and ongoing improvement.

Magnus is also responsible at group level for Identity Assets, covering services related to trademark, design, domain names, and other unique business identifiers. With a background spanning over a decade working with intellectual property and both physical and digital branding, he acts as a bridge between various service areas, advising clients on aligning trademark and domain strategies.

Magnus remains an integral part of ensuring that all of Zacco’s services are aligned, continue to follow best practice, and are able to meet the current and future needs of Zacco’s clients.

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