Managing IP EMEA Awards 2018 shortlists announced

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Managing IP EMEA Awards 2018 shortlists announced

Managing IP’s EMEA Awards dinner will be held on March 8 at The Savoy in London. Trophies will be presented to the firms of the year, with winners chosen from these shortlists

Managing IP’s EMEA Awards dinner will be held on March 8 at The Savoy in London. Trophies will be presented to the firms of the year, with winners chosen from the shortlists below. Special awards will also be presented at the ceremony. Details of our awards research process are given below the shortlists.

To reserve a table at the ceremony, please contact Nick Heath at or +44 (0) 20 7779 8692.

Managing IP has introduced some changes to the awards programme in 2018. Following feedback from guests, we are introducing a new ceremony in Hong Kong and changing the coverage of existing awards. You can read more here.

The EMEA Awards dinner will be followed by our Americas Awards dinner in New York on March 15 and Asia-Pacific Awards dinner in Hong Kong on March 21. 

National Awards


Austria Contentious

Gassauer-Fleissner Geistwert KWR Karasek Wietrzyk Schoenherr Schwarz Schönherr Taylor Wessing Wiltschek

Austria Copyright

Binder Grösswang Dorda Michel Walter Schoenherr Wiltschek

Austria Prosecution

Anwälte Burger & Partner Haffner & Keschmann Kliment & Henhapel Puchberger & Partner Schwarz & Partner Sonn & Partner Torggler & Hofinger


Belgium Copyright

Altius Bird & Bird CMS Crowell & Moring Hoyng Rokh Monegier Simont Braun Van Innis & Delarue

Belgium Patent Contentious

Altius Bird & Bird Crowell & Moring Hoyng Rokh Monegier NautaDutilh Simont Braun

Belgium Patent Prosecution

Arnold & Siedsma Brantsandpatents De Clercq & Partners Gevers Kirkpatrick VO

Belgium Trade Mark Contentious

Altius Bird & Bird Hoyng Rokh Monegier NautaDutilh Simont Braun Stibbe Van Innis & Delarue


Denmark Patent Contentious

Bech-Bruun Gorrissen Federspiel Horten Kromann Reumert Plesner

Denmark Patent Prosecution

Awapatent Budde Schou Guardian IP Consulting Høiberg Inspicos Plougmann Vingtoft Zacco

Denmark Trade Mark Contentious

Accura Bech-Bruun Gorrissen Federspiel Horten Lundgrens Plesner

Denmark Trade Mark Prosecution

Awapatent Bech-Bruun Løje Arnesen & Meedom Plesner Zacco


Finland Patent Contentious

Backström & Co Borenius Castrén & Snellman Hannes Snellman Roschier

Finland Prosecution

Berggren Boco IP Heinonen & Co Kolster Papula-Nevinpat Seppo Laine

Finland Trade Mark Contentious

Borenius Castrén & Snellman Eversheds Sutherland Krogerus Roschier Waselius & Wist


France Patent Contentious

Allen & Overy August Debouzy Bardehle Pagenberg Bird & Bird Gide Loyrette Nouel Hogan Lovells Hoyng Rokh Monegier Véron & Associés

France Copyright

Cabinet Christophe Caron Cabinet Vercken & Gaullier De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés Deprez Guignot Associés Gide Loyrette Nouel Nomos

France Patent Prosecution

Cabinet Beau de Loménie Cabinet Plasseraud Casalonga Lavoix Regimbeau Santarelli

France Trade Mark Contentious

Allen & Overy Armengaud Guerlain Bird & Bird Candé Blanchard Ducamp Gide Loyrette Nouel Hogan Lovells Hoyng Rokh Monegier Jones Day

France Trade Mark Prosecution

Cabinet Beau de Loménie Cabinet Plasseraud Germain & Maureau Lavoix Regimbeau Santarelli TMark Conseils


Germany Patent Contentious

Arnold Ruess Bardehle Pagenberg Bird & Bird Hogan Lovells Hoyng Rokh Monegier Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan Rospatt Osten Pross Taylor Wessing

Germany Patent Prosecution

Bardehle Pagenberg DF-MP Grünecker Hoffmann Eitle Isenbruck Bösl Hörschler Maiwald Uexküll & Stolberg Vossius & Partner

Germany Trade Mark

Bardehle Pagenberg Bird & Bird Harmsen Utescher Harte-Bavendamm Hogan Lovells Jonas Klaka Lubberger Lehment



Baker McKenzie Knight Bird & Bird Iroda Kovári Patent and Trademark Attorneys Sár & Partners SBGK Szecskay Attorneys at Law



Árnason Faktor Fjeldsted & Blöndal Logos Sigurjónsson & Thor Tego IP Consulting


Ireland Contentious IP

A&L Goodbody Mason Hayes & Curran McCann FitzGerald Whitney Moore William Fry Ireland Prosecution FRKelly Hanna Moore + Curley Purdy Lucey Tomkins


Israel Contentious

Adi Levit Dr Shlomo Cohen & Co Gilat Bareket & Co Liad Whatstein & Co Luthi+Co S Horowitz & Co

Israel Prosecution

Ehrlich & Fenster Ellen B Shankman & Associates Pearl Cohen Zedek Latzer Baratz Reinhold Cohn & Partners Webb & Co


Italy Patent Contentious

Bird & Bird DLA Piper Franzosi Dal Negro Setti Hogan Lovells IP Law Galli Studio Legale Jacobacci & Associati Trevisan & Cuonzo

Italy Patent Prosecution

Barzanò & Zanardo Bugnion Buzzi Notaro & Antonielli d’Oulx Jacobacci & Partners Modiano & Partners Società Italiana Brevetti Studio Torta

Italy Trade Mark Contentious

Bird & Bird Hogan Lovells IP Law Galli Studio Legale Jacobacci & Associati Studio Legale SIB Studio Vanzetti e Associati Trevisan & Cuonzo

Italy Trade Mark Prosecution

Bugnion Buzzi Notaro & Antonielli d’Oulx GLP Jacobacci & Partners Racheli Società Italiana Brevetti Studio Torta


Netherlands Copyright

Brinkhof Bureau Brandeis De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek DLA Piper Hoyng Rokh Monegier Visser Schaap & Kreijger

Netherlands Patent Contentious

Bird & Bird Brinkhof De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek Hogan Lovells Hoyng Rokh Monegier Simmons & Simmons Taylor Wessing

Netherlands Patent Prosecution

Arnold & Siedsma De Vries & Metman EP&C NLO VO

Netherlands Trade Mark Contentious

Brinkhof De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek DLA Piper Hofhuis Alkema Groen Hoyng Rokh Monegier


Norway Copyright

BA-HR Bull & Co Simonsen Vogt Wiig Thommessen Wiersholm

Norway Patent Contentious

BA-HR Grette Schjødt Thommessen Wikborg Rein

Norway Prosecution

Acapo Bryn Aarflot Håmsø Patentbyrå Onsagers Protector IP Consultants Zacco

Norway Trade Mark Contentious

BA-HR Grette Schjødt Thommessen Wikborg Rein


Poland Contentious

Baker McKenzie Kulikowska & Kulikowski LDS Lazewski Depo & Partners LSW Leśnodorski Ślusarek Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak Traple Konarski Podrecki & Partners

Poland Patent Prosecution

JWP Kulikowska & Kulikowski LDS Lazewski Depo & Partners Patpol Polservice Sulima Grabowska Sierzputowska WTS Patent Attorneys

Poland Trade Mark Prosecution

Baker McKenzie JWP Kulikowska & Kulikowski Patpol Polservice Skubisz Kancelaria Prawno – Patentowa Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak Wardyński & Partners


Portugal Contentious

Baptista Monteverde e Associados CCA Ontier Garrigues Linklaters PLMJ Simões Garcia Corte-Real & Associados Vieira de Almeida & Associados

Portugal Prosecution

AG da Cunha Ferreira Clarke Modet & Co J Pereira da Cruz RCF Protecting Innovation Simões Garcia Corte-Real & Associados


Romania Contentious

Muşat & Asociaţii Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen Ratza & Ratza Răzvan Dincă & Asociaţii Zamfirescu Racoti & Partners

Romania Prosecution

Cabinet M Oproiu Enpora Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen Petošević Rominvent


Russia Contentious

Baker McKenzie Dentons Goltsblat BLP Gorodissky & Partners Gowling WLG Hogan Lovells Sojuzpatent

Russia Prosecution

ARS-Patent Baker McKenzie Gorodissky & Partners Gowling WLG Sojuzpatent


South Africa

Adams & Adams Kisch IP Spoor & Fisher Von Seidels


Spain Patent Contentious

Bird & Bird Clifford Chance Gómez-Acebo & Pombo Grau & Angulo Hoyng Rokh Monegier Uría Menéndez

Spain Patent Prosecution

ABG Patentes Curell Suñol Elzaburu Herrero & Asociados ZBM Patents & Trademarks

Spain Trade Mark Contentious

Bird & Bird Curell Suñol Elzaburu Gómez-Acebo & Pombo Grau & Angulo Hogan Lovells Hoyng Rokh Monegier Uría Menéndez

Spain Trade Mark Prosecution

Baker McKenzie Balder BomhardIP Curell Suñol Elzaburu Herrero & Asociados Hogan Lovells


Sweden Patent Contentious

Lindahl Mannheimer Swartling Sandart & Partners Setterwalls Vinge

Sweden Patent Prosecution

Awapatent Brann Groth & Co Kransell & Wennborg Ström & Gulliksson Valea Zacco

Sweden Trade Mark Contentious

Baker McKenzie Heidenstam Legal Lindahl Sandart & Partners Setterwalls Vinge

Sweden Trade Mark Prosecution

Awapatent Brann Groth & Co Gulliksson Lindahl Zacco


Switzerland Patent Contentious

FMP Fuhrer Marbach & Partners Homburger Lenz & Staehelin Meyerlustenberger Lachenal Rentsch Partner Schellenberg Wittmer Times Attorneys

Switzerland Prosecution

Bovard E Blum & Co Hepp Wenger Ryffel Isler & Pedrazzini Rentsch Partner

Switzerland Trade Mark Contentious

FMP Fuhrer Marbach & Partners Homburger Lenz & Staehelin Meyerlustenberger Lachenal Troller Hitz Troller Walder Wyss Wild Schnyder


Turkey Contentious

Cahit Suluk Intellectual Property Law Firm Deris Attorney at Law Partnership Gün + Partners Kenaroğlu Moroğlu Arseven NSN Law Firm

Turkey Prosecution

Ankara Patent Bureau Deris Patents & Trademarks Agency Destek Patent Gün + Partners Istanbul Patent Stock Industrial Property Services


United Arab Emirates

Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property Al Tamimi & Company Clyde & Co Gowling WLG Rouse Saba IP


United Kingdom (England & Wales) Copyright

Baker McKenzie DLA Piper Fieldfisher Harbottle & Lewis Lee & Thompson Reed Smith RPC Wiggin

United Kingdom (England & Wales) Designs

Allen & Overy Bristows D Young & Co Fieldfisher Gowling WLG Mishcon de Reya

United Kingdom (England & Wales) Patent Contentious

Allen & Overy Bird & Bird Bristows EIP Legal Gowling WLG Herbert Smith Freehills Hogan Lovells Powell Gilbert

United Kingdom (England & Wales) Patent Prosecution

Boult Wade Tennant Carpmaels & Ransford Elkington and Fife Gill Jennings & Every J A Kemp Kilburn & Strode Mewburn Ellis Potter Clarkson

United Kingdom (England & Wales) Trade Mark Contentious

Allen & Overy Bird & Bird Bristows Browne Jacobson Gowling WLG Mishcon de Reya Pinsent Masons Taylor Wessing

United Kingdom (England & Wales) Trade Mark Prosecution

Barker Brettell Boult Wade Tennant D Young & Co HGF Keltie Kilburn & Strode Marks & Clerk Stobbs IP


United Kingdom (Scotland) Contentious

Brodies Burness Paull Dentons MacRoberts Pinsent Masons Shepherd and Wedderburn

United Kingdom (Scotland) Prosecution

HGF Hindles Lawrie IP Lincoln IP Marks & Clerk Murgitroyd

United Kingdom (Scotland) IP Transactions & Advisory

Brodies Burness Paull MacRoberts Pinsent Masons Shepherd and Wedderburn



Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property Adams & Adams ENSafrica Inlex Africa Spoor & Fisher

Baltic/Eastern Europe

Bird & Bird Cobalt Petošević Rott Ružicka & Guttmann Turcu & Turcu Zivko Mijatovic & Partners


Chiever Gevers Knijff Trademark Attorneys NLO Shieldmark Novagraaf VO

Europe Copyright

Baker McKenzie Bird & Bird CMS DLA Piper Hogan Lovells Hoyng Rokh Monegier Reed Smith Taylor Wessing

Europe Patent Contentious

Allen & Overy Bardehle Pagenberg Bird & Bird Hogan Lovells Hoyng Rokh Monegier Simmons & Simmons Taylor Wessing

Europe Patent Prosecution

Awapatent Carpmaels & Ransford Gill Jennings & Every Hoffmann Eitle Lavoix Maiwald VO

Europe Trade Mark Contentious

Allen & Overy Baker McKenzie Bardehle Pagenberg Hogan Lovells Hoyng Rokh Monegier Taylor Wessing


Baker McKenzie Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners Euromarkpat Gowling WLG Papula-Nevinpat

Middle East

Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property Al Tamimi & Company Cedar White Bradley Clyde & Co Rouse Saba IP


Awapatent Groth & Co Njord Roschier Zacco

Awards research process

The shortlists for the Managing IP Awards are based on information obtained during the research for the 2018 edition of IP STARS. In the IP STARS surveys for 2018, we asked firms to self-nominate as well as nominate their competitors for a number of awards. We review all available information, including all survey submissions and interview notes, and conduct independent research before producing the shortlists and picking the winners.

The research for IP STARS is rigorous and impartial. The Managing IP awards are not influenced by any commercial relationship with Managing IP or rankings in IP STARS. Any firm, regardless of ranking, can win any of our awards. A firm can also be shortlisted even if it did not make a firm survey submission, but in such case we may require further information from the firm. The 2018 awards will be based on research information available between September 2017 and January 2018. Where appropriate, information after this period may be considered.

Read more about IP STARS research methodology at

You can see details of previous years' awards at 

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