1. Following an agreement between EU heads of government on Friday, a court in which city will hear patent cases relating to mechanical engineering?
2. Which two companies are providing the Trademark Clearinghouse to help protect rights in the planned new top-level domains?
3. Who will head the USPTO’s new Detroit office, which opens later this month?
4. How many delegates took part in the WIPO Audiovisual Performances Treaty concluded in Beijing last week?
5. Who will become the new chief executive of Icann by October?
Answers to last week’s questions:
1. The unsuccessful trade mark owner that sued over the movie Hangover II was Louis Vuitton.
2. The winner of the Managing IP in-house lawyer award was Catriona Hammer of GE Healthcare.
3. The speaker arguing in favour of the grace period for patent filings was David Kappos of the USPTO.
4. Intel paid $375 million for 1,700 InterDigital patents.
5. CIPA applied for the trade mark IP Translator, which led to a ruling from the CJEU.