Five minutes with...Tamara Moll, Cohausz & Florack

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Five minutes with...Tamara Moll, Cohausz & Florack

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Tamara Moll discusses solving the mysteries of the universe over lunch, desk dancing, and why even old cookie recipes could benefit from IP love

Welcome to the latest instalment of Managing IP’s ‘Five minutes with’ series, where we learn more about IP practitioners on a personal as well as a professional level. This time we have Tamara Moll, attorney-at-law at Cohausz & Florack in Germany.

Someone asks you at a party what you do for a living. What do you say?

Think of me as your personal intellectual property bodyguard!

You have the idea, and I help you protect it. But I do more than just legal advice, litigation, and strategic planning. It’s about finding the right solution for you. My clients appreciate my deep understanding of their perspective. In my first career, I worked in consulting and marketing, where I discovered my passion for the law and IP rights.

Talk us through a typical working day.

A typical day kicks off with me diving into emails, armed with my trusty coffee cup. I prioritise my tasks like a pro, because who doesn’t love a good to-do list? Mornings are my power hours – I tackle the tough stuff that needs laser focus, whether it's drafting documents or decoding complex legal puzzles.

Then comes the social highlight – lunch with my colleagues. It's like a mini brainstorming session with sandwiches, where we solve work problems and sometimes even the mysteries of the universe (or so we think).

Afternoons are a whirlwind of meetings and emails. I put on my multi-tasking hat and switch gear between client consultations, team strategy sessions, and the inevitable paperwork. By the end of the day, my brain might be fried, but there’s always a sense of accomplishment.

In between, there are moments of spontaneous desk dancing to my favorite tunes, and maybe even a walk around the block to clear my head. It’s a busy, sometimes chaotic, but always rewarding day in the life of an IP lawyer.

What are you working on at the moment?

Right now, I’m on a mission to protect a client’s groundbreaking idea – think of it as guarding a treasure chest of innovation. I’m crafting a strategy that’s part Sherlock Holmes, part high-tech wizardry. First, I’m identifying the perfect mix of IP rights to shield this gem, and then I’m conjuring up a robust trade secret protection plan. Because I love a good challenge, I’m also weaving in data protection measures to create an impenetrable fortress. It’s like playing 3D chess with the future of innovation, and I’m having a blast doing it!

Does one big piece of work usually take priority or are you juggling multiple things?

Oh, it's a juggling act, alright! I often have several balls in the air, but I’ve mastered the art of keeping them all up. Sometimes, a big project will take the lead, but there’s always something else demanding attention. Multi-tasking is my middle name.

What is the most exciting aspect of your role and what is the most stressful?

The most exciting part of my job is getting a sneak peek at groundbreaking innovations long before they hit the market. It's like being part of a top-secret club where I get to help shape the future. I often find myself counting down the days until these products launch because I'm genuinely excited and can’t wait to become a customer myself!

On the flip side, the most stressful part is juggling tight deadlines and the high stakes involved. It’s like walking a tightrope while balancing a stack of patents, contracts, and client expectations. But hey, a little adrenaline keeps things interesting!

Tell us the key characteristics that make a successful IP lawyer/practitioner.

You need strong analytical skills, eagle-eye attention to detail, and top-notch communication abilities. Understanding the industries you’re dealing with is crucial. Strategic thinking and problem-solving are key. And let’s not forget adaptability – because things can change in the blink of an eye. Finally, a genuine passion for IP law and continuous learning keeps you at the top of your game.

What is the most common misconception about IP?

The most common misconception about IP is that it's only relevant to large corporations. In reality, IP protection is vital for businesses of all sizes, including startups and individual creators.

Rights such as trademarks, designs, and patents are powerful economic tools: they help companies to make their products stand out from the competition and strengthen their position in the market. This can be invaluable when searching for investors, negotiating partnerships, or branching into new markets. Even your grandma’s secret cookie recipe could use some IP love!

What or who inspires you?

I draw inspiration from a colorful mix of historical and contemporary figures in law and innovation. Pioneers like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, my legal superhero, fighting for justice and equality with the flair of a real-life Wonder Woman.

My clients constantly amaze me with their ingenuity and determination to bring new ideas to life. They’re like modern-day alchemists, turning dreams into reality and reminding me why I love what I do.

And my colleagues. They're the ‘Avengers’ of the legal world – each with their own expertise and dedication, creating a collaborative and supportive work environment that’s second to none.

And let's not forget my kids – they inspire me daily with their boundless curiosity and unfiltered honesty. Whether they're asking a million "why" questions or turning the living room into a makeshift art studio, they remind me to look at the world with fresh eyes and never stop learning. Plus, if I can negotiate screentime with them, I can handle any client meeting!

If you weren’t in IP, what would you be doing?

Maybe I’d be in another field involving problem-solving and strategy, like business consulting. Or, I might be teaching young people. Sharing knowledge and seeing students grow is incredibly rewarding. Plus, I enjoy the lively interaction and the occasional "aha!" moment in the classroom.

Additionally, I could see myself developing escape rooms. Why? Because who doesn't love the thrill of creating mind-bending puzzles and immersive experiences? It’s like combining my love for strategic thinking with a flair for the dramatic.

Plus, it would be incredibly fun to design scenarios where people have to think on their feet, work together, and maybe even discover their inner detective.

Any advice you would give your younger self?

Stay curious, be open to learning new things, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Build a strong network and find mentors. And remember, it’s okay to make mistakes – they’re just opportunities in disguise.

What is your motto in life?

"Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you." – Ruth Bader Ginsburg

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