Rowden (right) has served on more than 20 INTA committees, subcommittees and project teams and on the Board of Directors. She recently helped INTA make recommendations on the changes to the Canadian Trade-marks Act.
Taylor (below left) helped organise some of INTA’s earliest conferences outside of the United States, in Budapest and Tokyo, and was the creator and first editor of the INTA’s State Law of Trademarks and Unfair Competition.
The awards will be presented during a ceremony at the INTA Leadership Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona on Thursday this week. The following awards will also be presented:
Advancement of Trademark Law: Theodore Davis of Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton and Verena von Bomhard of Hogan Lovells (Alicante)

Advancement of Committee or Subcommittee Objectives: Mark Feldman of DLA Piper and Michael Hawkins of Noerr Alicante IP
Advancement of the Association Award: Mona Lee of Hanol Law Offices and Paul McGrady of Winston & Strawn
Pro Bono Services Provided by Individuals: Loreto Bresky of Alessandri & Compania
Pro Bono Services Provided by an Organization: Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
More details about all the award winners are available on INTA’s website.