Monday September 10
IPO Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas runs until Tuesday.
MDB Capital Bright Lights conference runs until Tuesday in New York.
USPTO AIA Roadshow in Minneapolis.
WIPO’s Program and Budget Committee meets until Friday in Geneva.
Tuesday September 11
Votein the plenary session of the European Parliament on the proposal for a Council directive on a common system of taxation applicable to interest and royalty payments made between associated companies of different member states.
Wednesday September 12
USPTO AIA Roadshow in Alexandria
General Court of the Court of Justice of the EU rules in Ertmer v OHMI – Caterpillar (erkat); and in Duscholux Ibérica v OHMI – Duschprodukter i Skandinavien (duschy).
Thursday September 13
Clifton and IP Australia is conducting a two-day course, “Sydney Short Course in Trade Marks Database Searching”.
INTA will hold a roundtable on the benefits of packaging design registration in Bangkok.
K&L Gates Webinar on Current Developments in Patents.
General Court of the Court of Justice of the EU rules in National Lottery Commission v OHMI – Mediatek Italia and De Gregorio (Représentation d’une main); and in Sogepi Consulting y Publicidad v OHMI (ESPETEC).
European Parliament plenary session debate and vote on permitted uses of orphan works.
Friday September 14
China’s State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), the Intellectual Property Department of Hong Kong and the Economic Services of Macao is hosting the 2012 Mainland, Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR Intellectual Property symposium in Dalian.
Indiana University Maurer School of Law Bloomington hosts a discussion on The America Invents Act: One Year Later in Bloomington, Indiana.
AIA Roadshow in Los Angeles.
September 15 2012
SIPO is hosting a three-day event, the China International Patent Fair in Dalian.