Managing IP is relaunching our list of the 50 Most Influential People in IP in our November/December issue, being published next month.
The list has proved a popular ranking in the past. We last published it in 2015. You can see that year’s list here.
The main rule is that this is not a list of private-practice lawyers. So anyone whose main job involves working for a law firm is not eligible for the list. It has typically included an array of in-house counsel, judges, officials and academics, as well as celebrities that have had a particularly big recent impact on IP.
We want to know who readers think should be included. Is there anyone out there who is driving debates or shaping perceptions around IP that you think we should know about?
We’d love you to tell us about people you think are deserving – either by email (to michael.loney@euromoneyny.com), on our LinkedIn discussion, or on Twitter (@managingip, include the hashtag #MIP50 in any tweets). Please tell us the name of the person you think should be included, with a brief explanation of why you think they are influential.
There a few guidelines we follow with the MIP 50, though we have occasionally broken them over the years. Again, the main one is that this is not a list of private-practice lawyers. They are rated and ranked in many other places (including some published by us), so please don’t nominate anyone whose main job involves working for a law firm or other service provider.
A second principle is that this is a global list so we keen to hear about people in Africa, Latin America and Asia that deserve wider recognition. It is also a reflection of the present, rather than primarily a list marking past achievements. We want to include people who are influential now and are likely to be in the future.
So please do spend a few minutes sending us your ideas. We need your suggestions by the end of November 2. Thanks for your input!